Updates: Ballpoint Pen tattoos and store and deleted page

Hi! I have added a brand new Ballpoint Pen Tattoo section and some original art to the store for you to enjoy!!! As well I have added a page that was deleted from my book The Empty Bed (see below). Why was it deleted? As an artist and comedian and writer and human etc etc I believe that I have to be responsible for what I put out into the world. I am far from perfect. I was being extra cautious...too cautious. My book is not a poison pen but unfortunately there is more self-pity than anger in it for those reasons. Anger is a very real feeling that happens when one goes through heartbreak. I didn't want to hurt anyone -even though those people that The Empty Bed is vaguely referencing won't be reading and will never be in my life again (they don't want to be and I don't think I want them to be and I am grateful for the wonderful people -including other exes- who are in my life). I am still very much proud of the book and rather pleased with everyone's responses to it. I don't think of this overly cautious omission as some glaring flaw.

The Empty Bed is available for order in my web store 'Love For Sale' as well as these shops...

Vancouver: Luckys, Paper Hound, Dandelion Records, Pulp fiction

New York: Spoonbill, Desert Island, Printed Matter

Montreal: Monastiraki

Toronto: Eyesore, Type, June, Art Met, Weird Things

Kitchener: Open Sesame
