2 LIVE Canadian Romantic appearances...

Doing two Canadian Romantic performances in Toronto Wednesday and Thursday:

The Box
The Rivoli, 334 Queen St. W (backroom)
Wednesday, February 23 · 8:00pm - 11:30pm
The Box invites you to our winter evening of short words, film, performance and music by:
Claudia Dey
Robert Dayton
Dr Ew
Lynne Heller
Kathleen Phililips
Annette Mangaard
Annie Onyi Cheung
John Southworth
+ door treats from Alert Music, Arc Poetry Magazine, Carousel, Coach House Books, Dandyhorse, DC Books, Geist, Grain Magazine, Hunter and Cook, Mercer Union, Pedlar Press, Public, The Malahat Review, Matrix, Shameless, Tightrope Books, Transit Publishing, Worn Journal and others.
The Box is a quarterly salon night of readings, performances, screenings, interventions and networking that aims to bring diverse communities and audiences into an environment of artistic and social intermingling.

The Parkdale Comedy Experiment
The Shop under Parts & Labour, 1566 Queen St. W.
Thursday, Feb. 24th 9-12.
Come laugh and funny jokes and trade weird stuff at the bodega!
Don't forget about the meat raffle!? YOU DESERVE IT!
Hosted by Conor Holler & Sara Hennessey
This months guests:
Robert Dayton
Sexy Girl Party w. Sleepover Dad
sketch by Ladystache
Improv by Falcon Powder!
And music by Jenna Rogers.
9pm, $3