Well, actually my character The Canadian Romantic:

As well my interview with the talented Brian Barlow of The Loner Show is up at Hunter and Cook. It's all about the many characters that he has created and how the last Loner Show is this Sunday nite at The Rivoli. 5 bux. I will be performing , along with over 60 other people for a minute each, as The Canadian Romantic:

That show will be wild!

This Tonetta vid was posted after trying to call him at 5 PM all week as he was going to come on my The Canadian Romantic show, he became elusive then this vid just appeared. Weird day today. Before that vid appeared I found out about Captain Beefheart dying, I knew it was coming as he'd had advanced MS for quite a while but it still hit. Just can't stop listening to Beefheart, the sonic tones of "Shiny Beast (Bat Chain Puller)" (my fave) are just so overpowering. I took him for granted for so long but just so pivotal, so pivotal. I remember as a teeny bopper in Northern BC (pre-internet) reading weird allusions to him and wondering what the deal was, ole but needed it, had it on cassette, went with my Mom, ROCKING POETIC INTENSITY, I was looking for wilder and wilder sounds and there they were, showing possibilities, so many, he even dressed well, a personal style God: his moustache, tortoise shell specs, I once found a scarf just like on the cover of Bongo Fury, so bummed when that went missing, even his paintings helped show me viscerality.
Please share your personal thoughts on Beefheart, love to hear them....