"For The Ladies": New Works by Robert Dayton

Gahhh, got the work done, very stoked, please come if ya can!!!

"For The Ladies" by Robert Dayton
Opening Reception - Saturday, August 14, 2010 - 2 - 6 pm
8/11/2010 - 9/5/2010
50 Gladstone Avenue
...Toronto, M6J 3K6
Gallery Hours: Wed -Sun (1- 6pm)

With "For The Ladies" I conducted a public survey where I asked anyone- no matter their gender or if gender- who identifies as a lady: "What would you, as a lady, like to see depicted in my art (or, more simply, art in general)?"
I then proceeded to make work based on as many of those responses as I could muster, sometimes even combining a few responses into one piece. What were the responses? You'll just have to find out for yourself!
My intent was to make art as an active form of communication.
I wanted to make work that is hopefully without any form of posturing of machismo. I have a personal dissatisfaction with some elements of masculine culture. See, I do not readily identify with certain masculine tropes- are we binary? Can one dwell in the grey areas between feminine and masculine tropes? Admittedly, once one gets into gender issues, it gets thorny. Is gender dying? I am straightish whiteish maleish but how often do I feel that way? Do I feel like a lady? Should I be more conscious of my identity in the world? LOADED! Let's keep it light.

This show has a playful tone, my work is playful.
I also wanted to bring out some of the more romantic elements of my work. Utilizing the responses I received, these works on paper use my standard tools of pen and ink and water colours. I've been pretty deeply affected by the early 70s glam revival of art deco and have used that palette in this show and in many aspects of my life.

If you need to use high resolution files please send us an email: mail@indexg.com
Further info e mail: moustachedpainless@yahoo.com