Toronto can be a good city in many ways, there's some good people, some old friends, but there's also plenty (a tonne) of people that not only won't call you, they also won't return your calls: keep all expectations at rock bottom, it's not you (no, really, it's not, you pathetic, pathetic self-absorbed shell), they're flaky (and they don't even have the wacky tobacky of the West Coast to fall back on as an excuse)(and as much as you try to not take it personally, it burrrrrns because it seems to happen, oh, just about all the time to the point that you are thinking of writing off all new people entirely, all that time and energy wasted might be best spent working on projects alone, such as building a wall). Perhaps this is not a Toronto thing, perhaps it is a wide-spread modern malady of declining courtesies due to technological developments (text messaging, Facebook, cell phones, computers, blogs-uh ohhhhh) causing A.D.D. I will test this theory out by visiting Waterloo for just one night. Has the malady spread there? Is it a Toronto only thing, an Ontario thing, a world-wide thing or what?
Find out as I hit the stage opening for Neil Hamburger along with Daiquiri this Thursday, June 10th, 2010 at the Starlight (47A King Street North, Waterloo, ON).
I've never been to Waterloo. Could be...curious. An Ontario town named after the place of Napoleon's defeat. Could be a great show. Yet another opportunity to become a phoenix.
This is my only show with Neil.
I really miss performing with him. It's been a few years and we'd done lots and lots of tours together. I miss touring. I miss dodgy hotels with curiously unattractive women knocking at the door at 2 AM hoping to bottom-feed on the desperation of anonymous strangers. Does driving an hour to Waterloo count as touring?
Unfamiliar with the legendary Neil Hamburger?