Found some early Herbie comic books for cheap.
Dunno Herbie? here:
I first heard about Herbie as a boy through an excellent retrospective in an issue of Comics Scene magazine (an early ish, when that mag was good). It sounded like the best comic book ever! But hard to find, especially in Northern B.C. where I lived.I pored over that article again and again soaking up this Herbie character.
There's been reprints since, even pricey hard cover volumes with so-so reproduction. But they're missing some of the neat other stuff by Shea and Whitney that went into each issue of Herbie. A shame as Herbie feels like a fever dream, we are lucky it ever existed at all! Here's some never reprinted items from issue 2:
If you own the rights to these images and want them removed, let me know and I will.