Male and female artists with studio spaces needed as research for project.

Needed: male and female artists with relatively conventional studio spaces in the GTA to volunteer for photo documentation to be used as source material for 6 large pen and ink works on paper entitled "STUDIO VISITS." Yes, this is art about art.
These drawings will depict the artist naked but the artist will not need to pose naked for the photo source material if they don't want to. Yes, clothing can be worn so long as it's not in the ultra-baggy skater/hippy/pigeonholing etc style. I prefer to depict 3 males and 3 females. Whether the artists themselves will be exactly represented is, as yet, to be determined. Their works will NOT be depicted. In fact, any materials will be rendered completely blank as this series will be more about the give-and-take relationship between artist and dealer/gallery owner/curator/intruder/patron.
Note: by conventional, I mean that the completed pieces have to convey to the viewer that it is definitely a studio space without any of the artists' work represented.
Feel free to forward this note.
E mail: Robert Dayton at if you are interested and have any questions.