Loratadine can be a drag....

Allergies are a wild thing to contend with. Maybe that wasn't what was causing my pure lethargy. It couldn't have been depression because I wanted to do stuff! My ambition was still in existence. Body had oomph, head had nothing. I knew this feeling, it even messed with one of my relationships before I knew that I had allergies! My Mother and my pal Cindy- allergy sufferers both- recommended Loratadine as an allergy cure so I bought some as I figured it would make my day more productive! I downed the pill.
Long story short, I dropped by a library branch with my resume in hand, hungry for work, but so high as a kite that my fly was down and I had no idea! I was wondering around for an hour with baby blue briefs in full view! Looks like I didn't get that job...
And, apparently, these pills take a while to affect the allergies. Anyone want five remaining loratadine pills?