• July Fourth Toilet may just be the most lucid yet visceral musical act in existence!
• Legendary long-time West Coast Canadian musical act July Fourth Toilet has been doing it their way since 1994.
• July Fourth Toilet have made it their mandate to never perform the same show twice. Show themes for this multi-piece, multi-instrumental co-ed bargain basement technicolour variety revue have included thirty second songs and medleys, as well as tributes to tea, candy, Davy Jones and the Texas Chainsaw Massacre, "Their Satanic Majesties Request", September 11th, and legendary songwriter Paul Williams (with Paul Williams himself enjoying the show from ten feet away).
• July Fourth Toilet ritualistically combines and transcends pop songcraft, versatile musicianship, performance, non-musicians, and pure improvisation to create their unique and inimitable sound and persona.
• Named by Gregg Turkington and John Singer of the anarchic and confrontationally comedic experimental two piece Zip Code Rapists.
Blending gnomish acid folk, honky tonk stumble, glam tarnish, raw sweat ballistics boogie, synthesized organ matter, cult murder a cappella, crafted cacophony, archaic ritual invocation harnessing of the astral universe and aspartame pop balladry. A lucid "Something For Everyone" of murk gloss arcana recorded studio matter and a wide variety of viscerally moody candy-coloured bargain basement showbiz extravaganza theme shows that walk the risky razor's edge. All infused with simultaneous childlike wonder and shambolic ritual, melody and sass, wrapped in a burnt husk warm crepe: cream spilling out the side, yearning to be free. Become one with us and find yourself if you haven't found it already.
Julian Cope:
"Something tells me that maybe something is going to happen with the kind of giant musical ensembles that were responsible for Hair. You've got the Polyphonic Spree, the Arcade Fire, and the Hidden Cameras. They all have this big-ensemble feel. The leader of this multimembered, costumed concept movement will be Vancouver's July 4th Toilet."
- the infamous Nardwuar the Human Serviette
"Novelty rock to the max. Their live shows often fall into the legendary category."
– Chartattack
"July Fourth Toilet did an eastern mystical-snake preacherish Krishnabilly set... (They) are hillbillies. Their music is challengingly communal (though each member seems deeply tuned or purposefully detuned in to their own specific instrument, there is a snugness and dedication to the whole, and a sense of friendship...) The lyrics are high and close, the melodies range from delicate to foot-stomping, and the ethic is for hard work, wonder and woe... July Fourth Toilet has a musical sensibility I admire more and more every time I hear modern rock and realize how much it has tortured, betrayed and corrupted the childhood musical appreciations that each of us is born with."
- Terminal City